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AWS Cloud Resume

December 2023: Cloud Resume Website hosted on AWS

This project was created using HTML/CSS and being hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The AWS services used are Amazon S3, Route53, Certficate Manager, CloudFront and CodePipeline.

Route53 was used to purchase a custom domain URL and Certificate Manager was used to obtain a SSL/HTTPS certificate which allowed my site to use a secure connection and not be flagged as unsecure by the browser.

The previous two steps made it so that I could create a CloudFront distribution that would point my custom domain URL to my S3 bucket endpoint. Traffic here is being redirected from HTTP to HTTPS creating that secure connection and providing low latency and high transfer speeds.

I then used Git for version control and GitHub to host my code's repository. To pair this nicely, I implemented CodePipeline to add a CI/CD aspect to this project. Connecting my GitHub repo to CodePipeline facilitated the updating process for my site because everytime I made a change to my code or main branch and then pushed the changes this would trigger my pipeline and update the site.

AWS Diagram

Here's a link to the GitHub Repo used for this Project: GitHub Repo